Things Americans Say 71-75

Things Americans Say [11]
Things Americans say... (071)
take (someone) to the cleaner's
zedrzec z kogos kase, puscic kogos z torbami
Presented by Stella

Thank you Stella!
You helped a lot of people in Poland and didn't even charge me a penny!

It's nice to have friends who can give you a piece of advice every now and then, isn't it? "Don't buy that stuff, it will shrink after the first washing" - "Hey, you should check out that new bookstore right next to the mall" - "Don't even think about going to see that doctor! He's a lunatic!" Word of mouth is a powerful and often reliable tool, although you do have to remember that what works for someone else will not necessarily work for you, and vice versa. In today's phrase taught by Stella (originally from New York state) we explore the dark and dirty world of rip-offs."Take someone to the cleaner's" means "charge someone an arm and a leg". Ooops, that doesn't help a lot, does it? It's just another idiom! How about this: when you buy something or use service of some kind, and you are charged significantly more than you think you should pay, someone "took you to the cleaner's." Be careful where you shop!
Fajnie jest miec przyjaciol, ktorzy cos nam poradza od czasu do czasu, prawda? "Nie kupuj tego, skurczy sie po pierwszym praniu" - "Hej, powinnas wpasc do tej nowej ksiegarni zaraz obok centrum handlowego" - "Nawet nie mysl o tym, zeby isc do tego lekarza. To kompletny swir!" Wiadomosci przekazywane z ust do ust to ogromna i czesto wiarygodna pomoc, choc i tak dobrze jest pamietac, ze to co odpowiada komus innemu, nie koniecznie bedzie odpowiadac nam i odwrotnie. Dzisiejszym powiedzonkiem, ktorego uczy Was Stella (pochodzaca ze stany Nowy Jork) wchodzimy w ciemny i brudny swiat finansowych cyganstw (przepraszam wszystkich Romow, nie mam przy sobie porzadnego slownika). "Take someone to the cleaner's" oznacza to samo co "charge someone an arm and a leg". Ojej, ale to kolejny idiom! Moze wiec tak: kiedy cos kupujecie, albo korzystacie z jakiegos rodzaju uslug i ktos policzyl Wam o wiele wiecej niz wydaje Wam sie, ze powinniscie zaplacic, ktos Was "puscil z torbami". Uwazajcie gdzie robicie zakupy!

I think you really should do all you can to avoid hiring a lawyer. These lawyers, they will take you to the cleaner's every single time, I'm telling you.

Things Americans say... (072)
the bottom is about to fall out
zaraz lunie (zaraz "odpadnie dno" :))
Presented by Chuck

Thank you Chuck!

After the long, hot summer we've been enjoying here in North Carolina, it was quite refreshing to have some rain. And it didn't come without a warning. Big, dark clouds had covered the sky and it was obvious that it was going to rain hard which prompted Chuck to utter today's phrase of the day. By the way, you know from school that when we express the future tense based on observations and signs of the inevitable, we do so using the "going to" form: you look at the clouds - you make the conclusion that "it is going to rain" rather than "it will rain". Well, the phrase "be about to" can serve the same purpose: Look at that lady, she's about to lose her cool -- This tree is about to fall under the weight of snow.
Please note, that the same phrase can also be used when we're talking about bad business situation/investment, where one action contributes to the overall failure of an undertaking: When the price of coal dropped, the bottom fell out of the coal industry in southern Poland.
Po dlugim, goracym lecie jakim cieszymy sie juz od jakiegos czasu tutaj w Polnocnej Karolinie, calkiem przyjemnie bylo przezyc odswiezajacy deszcz. A nie przyszedl bez ostrzezenia. Duze, ciemne chmury pokryly niebo i bylo rzecza oczywista, ze bedzie mocno padac, co spowodowalo, ze Chuck wypowiedzial dzisiejsze powiedzenia dnia. Przy okazji, wiecie ze szkoly, ze kiedy wyrazamy czas przyszly w oparciu o obserwacje i symptomy czegos nieuniknionego, robimy to uzywajac formy "going to": spogladasz na chmury - dochodzisz do wniosku, ze "it's going to rain" zamiast "it will rain". Zwrot "be about to" moze sluzyc temu samemu: Spojrz na te kobiete, zaraz straci nerwy -- To drzewo zaraz sie przewroci pod ciezarem sniegu.
Zauwazcie prosze, ze ten sam zwrot moze byc uzyty kiedy mowa o zlej sytuacji w interesach, zlej inwestycji, gdzie jedna rzecz moze przyczynic sie do calkowitej porazki jakiegos przedsiewziecia: Kiedy spadla cena wegla, przemysl weglowy w poludniowej Polsce dosiegnal dna.

Other phrases relating to rain:
it's drizzling - pada lekki deszczyk (kapusniaczek)

it's raining cats and dogs - leje jak z cebra

We were supposed to have a game yesterday, but the bottom fell out and it got cancelled.

Things Americans say... (073)
latwa decyzja
Presented by Jim and Cherie

Jim and Cherie have traveled to Poland a few times. They enjoyed getting to know the Polish culture, just like we enjoyed meeting them today for the first time. They have good friends in Gdansk.
Joanna and Irek - greetings from Raleigh!

Decisions, decisions. Every day we're faced with new ones. Sometimes they're really difficult, like: should I stay home, have some coffee and watch Discovery or go out, have some coffee and shop with Discover? Sometimes they're easy: should I try some new recipe from my Hungarian Weight Watchers Cookbook or order 'meats' from Papa John's? The easy ones are called no-brainers. They don't require you to sit on the fence at all. The hard ones are the ones we toss and turn over. I could sit here and keep giving you more examples, or go to bed and rest before another day of hard work. What do you think I should do? I think, it's a no-brainer.
Decyzje, decyzje. Codziennie stawiamy czola nowym. Czasem sa naprawde trudne, jak np: czy powinienem zostac w domu, zrobic kawe i ogladac Discovery czy wyjsc na miasto, isc na kawe i zakupy z karta kredytowa Discover? Innym razem sa latwe: czy mam sprobowac nowy przepis z wegierskiej ksiazki kucharskiej Straznikow Wagi czy moze zamowic miesna pizze z Papa John's? Te latwe nazywamy 'no-brainers' (bezmozgowce). Nie wymagaja one od nas tego, zebysmy musieli sie dlugo zastanawiac. Te trudne, to te, przez ktore przewracamy sie w nocy z boku na bok. Moglbym tutaj siedziec i sypac dalszymi przykladami lub isc spac i odpoczac przed kolejnym dniem ciezkiej pracy. Jak myslicie, co powinienem zrobic? Ja mysle, ze decyzja jest bardzo latwa.
to sit on the fence - zastanawiac sie nad tym jaka podjac decyzje
to toss and turn - przewrcac sie z boku na bok, nie moc spac
Papa John's - popularna siec pizzerii
'meats' - rodzaj pizzy z samym mieskiem, ktory pod taka wlasnie nazwa znajduje sie na menu Papa John's

Of all the decisions I had to make today, this one is a real no-brainer.

Things Americans say... (074)
don't be a stranger
odezwij sie od czasu do czasu, badzmy w kontakcie
Presented by Marcin, Olyvia and Jonasz

Sometimes perfect strangers come into your life unexpectedly. Like an autumn rain, or a telephone from a guy who wants to sell you some golfing gear. We met Marcin and Ania on the Internet about a month and a half ago. They were in New York City at that time with the Work and Travel program. Rather than going back to Poland at the end of August, they took the risk of spending three weeks with us. During that time they learned a few new card games, watched several movies, did some sightseeing and were entertained by our little trio. And now it's time to say good-bye. But, as they say, "friends are forever", and there is a good chance we'll all see each other again. Either in Poland or in the States. The phrase "don't be a stranger" is often used in farewells and it means "let's keep in touch, don't forget about me, let's meet again in the future". Sometimes perfect strangers become good friends. Sometimes they have to leave. Like that autumn rain.
Czasem kompletni nieznajomi pojawiaja sie w naszym zyciu niespodziewanie. Jak jesienny deszcz, albo telefon od goscia, ktory chce nam sprzedac sprzet do gry w golfa. Poznalismy Marcina i Anie w internecie jakies poltora miesiaca temu. Byli wtedy w Nowym Jorku z programem studenckim Work and Travel. Zamiast pojechac do Polski pod koniec sierpnia powzieli ryzyko spedzenia trzech tygodni z nami. W tym czasie nauczyli sie kilku nowych gier w karty, obejrzeli szereg filmow, troche pozwiedzali i byli zabawiani przez nasze male trio. A teraz czas sie zegnac. Jednak, jak to sie mowi, "przyjaciele sa na zawsze" i istnieje duza szansa, ze jeszcze sie zobaczymy. W Polsce lub w Stanach. Zwrot "don't be a stranger" czesto uzywany jest przy pozegnaniach i oznacza "badzmy w kontakcie, nie zapomnij o mnie, spotkajmy sie znowu". Czasem kompletni nieznajomi staja sie dobrymi przyjaciolmi. Czasem musza odejsc. Jak ten jesienny deszcz.

It was nice to meet you Eric, say hello to your family back in Utah, and don't be a stranger.

Things Americans say... (075)
to get the ball rolling
zaczac zalatwiac jakas sprawe, wziac sie za cos
Presented by Beth and Simone

The High School in Bunn, North Carolina needs a soccer coach. Are any of you interested? I was, until Simone (on the left) kicked me in the shin so hard, I was about to cry like a little baby. They do need a lecture on fair play (Simone, if you're reading this, I hope you know I am only kidding :)) For now, I will stick to my position of CASL coach for the Avengers.
Today's phrase can be used when we speak of 'putting things into motion', like starting a project or a task. In Polish we could say "juz sie za to biore".
Liceum w Bunn, Karolina Polnocna potrzebuje nowego trenera pilki noznej. Czy ktos z Was jest moze zainteresowany? Ja bylem, az do momentu gdy Simone (na fotce z lewej) tak mnie kopnela w golen, ze prawie sie nie rozplakalem jak male dziecko. One naprawde potrzebuja wykladu na temat fair-play (Simone, jezeli to czytasz, to mam nadzieje, ze wiesz, ze tylko zartuje :)) Poki co pozostane przy stanowisku trenera organizacji CASL w zespole o dzwiecznej nazwie Mscicielki.
Dzisiejszego powiedzonka mozemy uzyc kiedy mowa o 'wprowadzaniu czegos w ruch, w zycie', na przyklad gdy zaczynamy jakis projekt lub jakies zadanie. Po polsku moglibysmy powiedziec "juz sie za to biore".

Przy tej okazji przedstawie Wam jeszcze dwa zwroty, ktore przychodza automatycznie na mysl:

to be on a roll
= znajdowac sie w trakcie udanej serii jakichs przedsiewziec, miec dobra serie:

He was number one in Garmisch, and he is number one today. Adam Malysz is on a roll again! (ze nie wspomne, o tym iz Adam zjada bulke przed kazdym wystepem wiec i tak jest "na bulce" - on a roll).

to be on the ball
= byc kompetentnym, znac sie na rzeczy, byc czujnym:
They decided to give this project to Jim, and let me tell you, this guy is on the ball. It was a great choice!

We need to think about modifying some of our policies. If you will talk to the people at the corporate office, I will get the ball rolling with our CEO.

1 .niech was nie zmyli uzycie WILL w obu czesciach zdania, to nie jest zdanie warunkowe
2. CEO = Chief Executive Officer (prezes firmy)
3. corporate office = siedziba glowna firmy

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