

1.                   1st scientific method, Charles Fries, Leonard Bloomfield, 1942

2.       based on one of the behaviouristic models of learning, namely the Stimulus - Response Reinforcement Model ( a continuous process of the positive reinforcement engenders good habits in lg learners), combines structural and behaviouristic opinions.

3.                   assumption:

a)   foreign lg learning is based on a process of mechanical habit formation

b)   lg items can be learnt more effectively if they are presented first in oral

c)   the sentence is the structure, a basic pattern constantly expanded by a growing vocabulary

d)   practice makes perfect

4.       aim: the establishment of habits of automatic lg control ( by drills and review exercises), mastering of four skills in the following order: listening & speaking, then reading and writing

5.       features:

e)   speech - priority in lg teaching

f)    structural training, pronunciation, intonation

g)   only the target lg is used to avoid thinking in L1 and comparing lg structures of L1 and L2

h)   errors should be avoided at any costs and corrected immediately (if not they could consolidate as a habit)

i)    automatic learning through analogy, repetition, memorization

j)    explaining and commenting on grammar are rejected (but not excluded totally)

k)   teacher dominates, learner - like a machine

l)    dialogues - a kind of basis - memorized gradually (line by line)

m)  Audiolingualism relies heavily on drills to form lg habits (substitution is built into these drills)

n)   kinds of drills: choral repetition, individual repetition, cue - response drills

o)   teacher’s aids: audiovisual, tape-recorders

p)   focused on immediate accurate speech

q)   little attention to pedagogy

6.                   drawbacks:

-  lg is decontextualised (nie jest rozpatrywany w szerszym kontekscie) and carries little communicative function (no real life situations)

-  banishes all forms of lg processing that help students sort out new lg information in their own minds

7.       activities: repetition, replacement, restatement, complition, transposition (word order), expansion, contraction, transformation, integration


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